Keynote speakers
Prof. Clemens Fuest
Fiscal policy in times of energy price inflation and geopolitical tensions
Prof. Dr. Clemens Fuest, born in 1968, is President of the Ifo Institute, Professor of Economics and Public Finance at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Director of the Center for Economic Studies (CES) and Executive Director of CESifo GmbH.His research areas are economic and fiscal policy, taxation, and European integration. Clemens Fuest has published widely in German and international academic journals including European Economic Review, Economic Letters, Journal of Public Economics, International Tax and Public Finance and International Economic Review. He has published a number of books and contributes to public debates on economic and fiscal policy through articles in renowned newspapers including Handelsblatt, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Wirtschaftswoche, Financial Times and Wall Street Journal.

Prof. Jean-Robert Tyran
How experiments promote our understanding of the economy and society
Economics has developed from an academic discipline based on intuition, speculation and anecdotal evidence to a much more analytical, quantitative economic and social science. The lecture explains the role experiments have played in this process and illustrates how experiments can be used to promote our understanding of behavior in the economy and society.
Prof. Dr. Jean-Robert Tyran, born in 1967, is Director of the Vienna Center for Experimental Economics, Professor of Public Economics, and Vice-Rector of Research and International Affairs at the University of Vienna. Before moving to Vienna in 2010, he was a professor at the University Copenhagen where he still holds a visiting position. Jean-Robert Tyran is a behavioral and experimental economist who mainly investigates the consequences of bounded rationality and social preferences for the functioning markets and democracy. Jean-Robert Tyran has published widely in international academic journals including the American Economic Review, Econometrica, the Review of Economic Studies, the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, and the Journal of Public Economics.

Invited Speakers
Prof. Karl Sigmund
Karl Sigmund is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Vienna and one of the pioneers of evolutionary game theory. He was head of the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Vienna, editor of the Monatshefte für Mathematik, president of the Austrian Mathematical Society, member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and member of the Leopoldina.

Prof. Friedrich Stadler
Friedrich Stadler is an Austrian historian and philosopher and professor for history and philosophy of science at the University of Vienna. He is the founder and long-time director of the Institute Vienna Circle. Currently he serves as the Director of the co-operating Vienna Circle Society, which is the continuation of the former Institute Vienna Circle as an extra-university institution.